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The Blarney Inn

This meal will come more from my memory and some vague recollections because we went to Ireland many years ago. Thus I cannot remember exactly all the precise details of the ingredients.  I can tell you, however, exactly where it is.  On the street across from Trinity College, a block or two backtracking from where the bus turns the corner unexpectedly at [Kildare Street].

We came across this pub, which looked pretty typical by sight, smell, and name. We walked in, famished from a half day of frantic touring (the only way my family knows how). We needed a quick, nourishing bite to eat before we hit up the rest of the museums, architectural sites, and lastly the Guinness Factory.  I took a look at their chalkboard menu and went with my gut: the pork loin, cabbage, and potatoes. Pretty ordinary sounding, honestly I don’t eat it often in the states, but it sounded good. My sister went with some sandwich of sorts. They came on two large plates--platter sized to my younger eyes. The sandwich was massive, the kind where you have to eat the layers separately because there’s no way it can all fit in your mouth at once. Mine, on the other hand came as a mound of potato, cabbage and meat. All I remember was that it was extraordinarily tasty and I suggest it to anyone who goes to Dublin. The meat was tender, the potatoes were buttery and combined with the cabbage, balanced out the saltiness of the pork. This was one of my most memorable meals I had in Ireland.


Note: I have since looked up their menu online and discovered that they no longer sell this dish! :o

Cuisine: Irish


1-2 Nassau Street

Dublin Eire, Ireland

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