Hello From one foodie to another
Positano, Italy - Olives

*Photo from Google

View of the coast *Photo from Le Sirenuse website

Looking out into the Sea from Le Sirenuse *Photo from Le Sirenuse website

*Photo from Google
On our way to Sorrento, my family wanted to take a small detour to see Le Sirenuse, one of the most famous hotels on the Amalfi coast. Le Sirenuse is a luxurious resort with a waterfront view looking out into the Mediterranean Sea. Sitting at a small table in front of the railing, we were surrounded by brightly colored houses, seemingly stacked on top of each other, but each carefully placed with a delicate hand. My mother had heard of this attractive destination when she was growing up, seeing all the stars from the glamour days traveling here to experience Italy’s beautiful coastal scene. Because of this, I found that my mother and I had very different perceptions of Le Sirenuse. Today, the stars that I hear about go vacationing in the Caribbean as if they want to go there to be seen. Le Sirenuse seemed to contradict this common stereotype with its simple elegance in the decor, location, and overall attitude of the people residing within its protective and yet open walls. This out-of-the-way resort was more secluded and difficult to get to, allowing people to enjoy their privacy.
We stopped in for some refreshments before continuing on our road trip. We were given a small dish of unassuming olives to accompany the colorful, summer drinks we each ordered. Usually I don't feel particularly inclined to eat green olives because I find that they are often sour. But since I love salty snacks and these olives were the only thing available, I tried one. These olives were tender to bite through and extraordinarily juicy. The meaty flesh was buttery and perfectly salted, leaving no bitter after-taste. We were told that they came from Gaeta, a town between Naples and Rome. Contrary to the black olives that people think of when they think of Gaeta olives, these look more like Castelvetrano olives which come from Sicily. I’m currently hunting for this delicious snack in New York; the ones I’ve already tried were drier and unfortunately not the same. Thus the quest continues!
Cuisine: Italian
Positano, Italy
June 2013